Ramiro Guzman
Director of K9 Training & Operations
Ramiro Guzman has served in law enforcement since 2003. Ramiro has served in numerous divisions of law enforcement to include patrol, traffic enforcement, criminal warrants, arson investigations, general investigations, narcotics investigations, training and K-9 unit trainer/handler.
Ramiro has served on The K-9 Unit for the majority of his career. In early 2008, Ramiro and his partner K-9 Donna were selected to become cross designated and permanently assigned as Title 19 Task Force Officers with The Department of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Members of The South Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Federal Narcotics Task Force (HIDTA).
While assigned to The HSI/HIDTA Task Force Ramiro and his partner K-9 Donna traveled the country in pursuit of drug and money smugglers. The team was responsible for record breaking drug and money seizures and took part in the arrest and prosecution of high profile Mexican drug cartel affiliates.
From 2008 through 2018, Ramiro served in The United States Navy Security Forces, both in the active duty and reserve components. As a Master at Arms, Ramiro served in several Maritime Security and Coastal Riverine Units in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
While actively in law enforcement and a member of a Federal Narcotics Task Force, Ramiro served his country in his hometown of San Antonio, Texas in The Navy Operational Support Center (NOSC San Antonio) as a Navy Reservist.
In mid-2018, Ramiro made his exit from The U.S. Navy to pursue his passion in Police K-9. Since then, Ramiro has dedicated his life to training Police Working Dogs and their Handlers in law enforcement agencies across America.
Ramiro Guzman recently achieved the rank of Assistant Chief Deputy in one of the largest counties in The State of Texas. As Assistant Chief, he oversaw all Special Operations to include traffic enforcement, criminal warrants, investigations, narcotics and The K-9 Unit.
Ramiro is a Master Texas Peace Officer and Certified Police Instructor. He now oversees all training and certifications for both our working dogs as well as handlers here at SENTRYSIX.