Col. Doug James (USAF, Ret.)
Chairman of Advisory Board
Doug ‘Bulldog’ James is the President of Hound Strategic, Inc. As President, Doug is responsible for setting the long term corporate strategy, effectively resourcing, and employing Hound Strategic’s unique business consultant process. Under his leadership, Hound Strategic is establishing itself as a leader in planning and implementing corporate strategy.
Doug graduated from Brigham Young University and was commissioned an officer in the United States Air Force. Doug attended Undergraduate Pilot Training at Williams AFB, Arizona, later flew the A-10 at RAF Bentwaters, UK, and then the F-15C at both Eglin AFB, and Tyndall AFB, Florida. He transferred to the USAF Reserves in 2001 while working at Headquarters Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, DC. At the Pentagon, Doug managed the A-10, F-117, Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV), and the Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) programs. Two of his programs, the A-10C and the Sniper Targeting pod have become main stays into today’s combat operations. Doug also worked on the USAF’s Legislative Liaison Staff ensuring Congressional members understood the importance of Air Force programs such as the F-22. Doug is a USAF Command Pilot with over 2,800 hours in fighter aircraft to include the A-10 and the F-15C. He has flown in support of Operations PROVIDE COMFORT, SOUTHERN WATCH and NORTHERN WATCH. Doug has Combatant Command Headquarters planning experience in Operations IRAQI FREEDOM, UNIFIED PROTECTOR, and ODYESSY DAWN.
In 2012, Doug finished a four year active duty tour as Deputy Director of the Coalition Coordination Center, United States Central Command (CENTCOM), MacDill AFB, FL. While in this capacity, Doug was a senior member of General Petraeus and General Mattis’s staff. As a senior staff member he led a team of field grade officers from the Army, Navy, USAF, and Marines who melded all aspects of Coalition forces into both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Doug’s team of exceptional officers was recognized by the Under Secretary of Defense in 2010 for their outstanding service. In 2013, Doug was handpicked to serve in the high profile position of Deputy Assistant Director of Air and Space Operations for the U.S. Air Force’s Pacific Command (PACAF). At PACAF, Doug was the senior staff member responsible for leading the headquarters’ crisis action team. Doug’s leadership was paramount during major events such as the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, the Philippine typhoon in 2013, and even the United States government’s budget crisis in March 2013.
In addition to his military leadership, Doug was Chief Pilot for JetBlue Airways’ New York base and later the Fleet Captain in charge of all A320 aircraft standardization. While in these capacities, Doug was responsible for all A-320 Standardization Operational Procedures and the well-being of over 1500 JetBlue pilots. He led a team who built a Quick Reaction Handbook, which is now a benchmark throughout the airline industry. Doug led a team who redesigned the airline’s system operations and station movements. This background fueled Doug’s passion for strategy and operational efficiency.
Doug has a Physics degree from Brigham Young University and a Masters of Business from Florida State University. Doug is a board member for the Non-Profit ‘Save Our Heroes’ (Chairman), and a strategic advisor for SentrySix International, Intrinsic Ventures, The Diamond Strategy Group, GALT LLC, and D3 Air and Space Operations. In his spare time, Doug mentors MBA students at Arizona State University and loves to fly his vintage 1968 Mooney aircraft.